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공지사항 및 안내사항

유증상자 긴급 연락처

코로나바이러스감염증-19 학교 대응 부서 연락처


 대학평의원회 구성원현황
총무팀 코로나 대응 업무 총괄 2062
코로나 대응 업무 담당 2074
교무팀 수업 2011, 2015, 2016
학적(휴학/복학 관련) 2014
 대학평의원회 구성원현황
재무회계팀 등록 2079
보건진료소 자가격리수칙문의 1596
생활관 기숙사 입소 관련 2143, 2144
커뮤니케이션팀 언론 관련 2917, 2918

[도서관] 자료실 이용 안내

Guide to Library Operation Time Adjustment to prevent COVID-19

In order to strengthen safety of users and multi-use facility management as an emergency measure, library has also changed the operation hours as follows.

◎Period: From Apr. 22, 2020. until further notice

Reading Room Changed Operation Time
  Weekday only 10:00~17:00
  Checkout and Return Library books only
  (Use return box in the Central Library 1F North entrance when closing)

◎More Instructions

● Admittance to AJOU members only
   (Please take your student ID Card or mobile card with you)
● Answer simple questionnaire for COVID-19 prevention before entering the library and have body temperature measured by staff
● make sure to wear a mask
● Restrict the access in case of fever and cough

※ the above measures may change depending on the extent of the COVID-19 spread

Contacts: Library Circulation Desk ☎031-219-2126